“I’m Done” (original rap lyrics)

I wrote this tiny rap over the summer, inspired by the mind and all its various facets. Like a diamond in the works, the mind has its rough edges. Sometimes, it likes to chatter nonsense to us (yogically, referred to as the “monkey mind”). The beautiful benefit to a regular yoga and meditation personal practice is that we can gracefully and with unimaginable ease move into the shiny facets of the mind, to Truth, beyond the chatter that sometimes likes to tell us untrue, crappy thoughts that can bring us down if we believe the noise. There exists a field beyond this clatter and bang; go there!

“I’m Done”

I’m done with the voice inside my head,

The one that tells me I’m wrong.

I’m done with the voice that likes to say

That I can’t write this song.

I’m done with the voice that tells me

That I’m not good enough.

I’m done with the voice that reverberates

That life’s gotta be tough.

I’m so done, done, done.

I’m done with the voice that hates to have fun,

Done with its righteous one on one

In my my head as I lay in bed,

Thoughts like a loaded gun.

Done, Done, Done.

Done with the voice that plays those games

That tells me life is about gain, gain, gain.

Done with its nasty grip on me,

That knocks me down below the knees.

I’m Done!

“The New” (song lyrics)

The following are lyrics to a song that I wrote, inspired by Lukas Nelson whose music saved my life during a tough time in my life when I was facing my first major surgery pretty much on my own. When the pain would become too much to bear, I would turn to his songs, then to my own guitar and my own heart, and this song emerged one sweet afternoon. It started as a lullaby to myself, to soothe my pain, and I hope it can serve another one day.

“The New”

At night I hear you call me;

I can hear you clearly in my heart

Underneath the same stars.

I wonder– do you see the same light?

Then I reach out beyond time and space

And there I easily find your face.

You know you’re mine

And that it’s our time.

I welcome the New

I welcome the New in you

I welcome the New

Across the span of centuries,

I’ve found you once again,

And I thank my lucky stars

Because all I’ve ever needed

Was to see that love-light in your eyes.

You know you’re mine

And that it’s our time.

I welcome the New

I welcome the New in you

I welcome the New

At night when you go to sleep,

Feel me resting right beside you.

I love you, my darling, it is true.

So dream away and feel safe

You’re held in so much love.

You know you’re mine

And that it’s our Time.

I welcome the New

I welcome the New in you

I welcome the New.

Blind River Blues

So, I wrote these lyrics over the summer, and just today… today!… the music is finally flying to me. Grateful.

There’s a woman she lives on Blind River

And each night you can find her shake and quiver

Before a fire as the spirit moves her

Enraptured by the Spirit of her mother

Weighted down by some muck and mire

Yet Alive and ecstatic before the fire

Down on blind river road

Where the cypress runs wild and the tunes never grow old…

She gets up each morning with the angels at 4:44.

And she makes her way to the front screen door.

She might live on Blind River

But she sure can see

And she can see right through me.

Cause she lives down by the river

And you can catch her shake, shiver, and moan

Around and all over the seeds she’s sown.

Some say she’s got the Blind River Blues

But you can tell by the fact that she’s got no shoes

Her heart ain’t set on the things of this world

So she’ll keep on with the shake, the quiver, the whirl

And toss her cares into that old muddy water

Where the spirits always call her….

Away, away, away down blind river…

The Journey of Lifetimes

Once upon a time, at grandma’s house deep in southern Louisiana, there lived a large bookcase at the end of the hall, and upon this bookcase rested a vast collection of National Geographic magazines stretching back decades. And a granddaughter liked to play a game with Spirit called “Show Me.” No matter the circumstance, the then eight-year-old girl would ask to be shown what she needs to see. She’d stop Time, get still and present in the moment’s opportunity, and ask the question because every moment held the seed of potential, message, and learning. So she did this one day at grandma’s house: stood small in front of multiple yellow bindings marked with dates and in excellent shape as they were rarely touched once received in the mail. With eyes closed, she ran her hand inches from the spines, sensed the energy swelling within her own field, stood on tiptoes and gently eased down the copy beckoning to her. Silently, she accomplished this as she was not quite sure of the “rules” around the magazines; no one else ever seemed to enjoy them. “Show Me” didn’t stop there. Now Spirit had yet another reveal ready for her… why this one? So the girl tiptoed her way to the small spare room at the other end of the hall, quietly shut the door, sat on the twin unkempt bed with the magazine laid out before her. “Why this one?” She shut her eyes and made her way back to the still point within, to the feeling point existing in her fingertips, felt her way through the pages until she was led to open at that one distinct spot. As she opened her eyes again, a luminous bubble warmly held her, lit the edges of the usually dark room in golden light, and open before her winked the page revealing a small man in bright ceremonial poncho, wearing a brilliantly patterned chullyo, holding a small wood-carved flute to his mouth with Machu Picchu looming in the background. To her delight, she continued to flip through pages of this story, finding smiling llamas, sunkissed cheeks of cheerful children as their mothers weaved black, red, pink, yellow, white textiles near them. This breathed instant magic, instant knowing, instant remembering.

Then she heard the sounds of her grandma’s pretty flats step-stepping down the hall, and the girl tried to hide the book behind her back before the bedroom door creaked open. But grandma was quick, and as the door opened, she caught the edge of the magazine gleaming golden flutter and fly behind her granddaughter. She also caught the look of guilt in the girl’s eyes, and instantly soothed it with her own face melting into understanding as the lines softened around the edges of her lids and her mouth curled up into a soft smile.

“You know, you are welcome to have that; all you’ve got to do is ask,” she told the girl.

And you know what, I needed to hear those words, yet still I didn’t always ask for that which I wanted and sometimes didn’t even ask for that which I needed. This stubborn soul had a lot to learn over the next few decades. And when I recently moved through six months of deep study again with Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society, he repeated a phrase that ringed more true than ever: “you can either have what you want, or you can have all the reasons that you can’t have what you want.” Boy, this has been a huge lesson for me! And it’s a lesson that required moment to moment awareness throughout my day. See, my mental chatter used to LOVE to let me know all the reasons I could not have what I desired, and the nasty part is that I believed it. Now, that chatter has moved further into the background, become more of a subtle whisper, and its suggestions have become much easier to acknowledge and then override. But I sure wasted some precious time believing in that voice. I won’t over-analyze the whys, but I have begun to understand its source, and that has rendered it powerless. Yay!

So, back to that girl, that me, that found a treasure in a magazine at my grandma’s house so long ago (or so it seems)…. at the time, I wondered, could one become a powerful medicine person or is it something you are born into, somehow made special as you entered this world, or maybe you had to live in a cool place like Machu Picchu or in the Himalayan Mountains? I took my inner broom and dust pan and swept the possibility under Mary’s mat. Until 2006…. that was the point when I quit my corporate power job that I knew would kill me in the end, and traded in my fancy clothes and swanky downtown apartment for one suitcase and a one-way plane ticket to Kripalu in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts so that I could meet and serve my shaman teacher, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, who at the time would visit at least once a month. The pay off has been massive as I received initiation and training that year so long ago and recently completed a six-month intensive training that began this past 2020 summer.

Then I realized….yes…yes, little Mary, you can become a powerful medicine woman; in fact, you’ve always been, and it’s part of what you always will be. Dr. Villoldo reminded us this past Fall that a person of power realizes how to shift the probable to the possible. And each day, I live the possible. The gifts that this intensive brought me are ongoing. I am now learning to play the guitar (something I’ve longed to do since I got my first record player and my first John Lennon record at age 4), and I’m turning all of those poems I’ve written all of my life to song. To me, this is true healing… to get out of my own way and to step right into that destiny that has been calling me for decades. It’s never too late to heal, to begin, to realize the great gift that you are. It is my prayer that you, too, begin today… do the thing that has been calling you for eons, and in that experience exists the truth of magic, the creative power of possibility, and the expression of the great gift that you truly are.

Sahasrara Chakra: Ready to adjust your crown?


“The difference at chakra seven is that rather than looking at what consciousness is pointing at, we contemplate the miraculous nature of awareness itself” (Anodea Judith).

Welcome to the crown chakra! In our Yoga Nidra classes this week, we move to the ever more subtle realms of thought and consciousness itself. Here, the thousand-pedal lotus rules. We will explore our universal identity as well as our power to know and to understand. The overly intellectual mind is an example of Sahasrara Chakra deficiency, and through the essence of Yoga Nidra, students are effortlessly able to reawaken and reconnect with the bliss of pure awareness and union with the Divine.  So make plans to attend to  your Crown and get ready to sparkle! Sound therapy will be incorporated as well.

In grace,

Mary Vaughan

Ajna Chakra: the Wisdom Center


Ahhh, the mysterious third eye! This is where we’re headed in our Yoga Nidra class focus the week of Feb. 18. Ajna means “command center,” and as a teacher of teens, according to brain science, this is where teens begin to develop the frontal lobe, the seat of wisdom, understanding, empathy, and focus. And we know teens go through some bumps and starts as this part of the brain comes online. The essence of the meditative state is embodied in this energy center, and Ajna Chakra is connected to light, its color, indigo. In our Yoga Nidra sequence, when we visit Chidakasha (the dark space in front of the closed eyes or “the sky of consciousness”), this is our doorway to Ajna Chakra. “When perception has become objectless, and the soul shines in its own nature, it is called the Chidâkâsha, or knowledge space” (gnosticteachings.org). This week, we will explore our intuitive nature and capability for vision. I will “see” you there!

In grace,

Mary Vaughan

A Valentine for Infinity

When the Heart Calls, What the Heart Hears 


The first time we locked gazes, 

I felt the river instantly bob us downstream, 

Swirling in whipper-will whirlpools, 

Dancing among the pebbles, 

Crashing against boulders, 

Sea spray lashing the air around us, 

Only to swing around and flow down, down, down, 

Towards the ocean of Love. 


With hands locked, 

We refused to let go… 

Until we had to,  

Then with butterfly releases 

And then the upshoveling of the soil of time and change. 

Rumi cried, “A mountain keeps an echo deep inside itself. 

That’s how I hold your voice.” 

And with these words, I am thrown into an ancient memory: 


Two pairs of feet step through sand. 

The silky smoothness rides the toes; 

The unstruck “crunch” of primordial jewels 

Sing beneath our feet. 

And as the dust lifts and scatters with each step, 

We realize we engage in a walking, moving prayer. 

No words needed for the Body is the Word. 


The sun is in your smile; 

The moon … in your heartbeat…an echo 

A mountain looms ahead. 

We stop, turn face to face,  

Then meet forehead to forehead 

As the sun shimmies behind our temples. 

To touch your face is Divine Gift. 

And we listen to our song within, 

The one promised lifetime through lifetime, 

The promise to remember. Re-member. 

It’s the only way we ever know.  


Sand turns to pebbles turn to jagged rocks turn to crags 

And we keep pace. 

I hear Rumi’s words again: 

“…in the spreading union of lover and beloved. 

This is the true religion.” 

I am held in check by the Grace of your Presence. 

I am suspended through Time in accord with you 

And in a place beyond Time, 

A space the vastness of this blue sky above this mountain 

Where with each step the frequency shares her secrets, 

And, together, we are kissed by the Wind, 

Walking in a Love that does not dissolve with Time.

Vissudha Chakra and Conscious Communication


For our Yoga Nidra classes on February 11 and 13, we will rise up the chakras that we’ve been visiting since January 1, 2020 to the throat center, Vissudha Chakra (meaning “purification”). Now, we move beyond the elemental and more Earth-bound energy centers to the realm of the increasingly subtle. We move into the space of sound, vibration, frequency as we enter this chakra and explore. That’s why this week and our practice may prove even more potent as the frequencies of the gong, Koshi chimes, Tibetan bowls, and crystal singing bowls will be employed as usual, but now we will pay more close attention to this marriage between outer and inner resonance. There is so much research readily available now concerning the use of sound to heal and integrate. We are, after all, mostly made up of water (close to 70%), and most of you understand the profound effect sound currents have on water; simple home experiments can be done to show this. So, expect sound meditation, Nada Yoga, in class. From the Nada Yoga School: “Nada means the flow of sound and Yoga means Union. Nada Yoga is the process of the union of the individual mind with cosmic consciousness through the flow of sounds.”

The vibrational impact of communication and relationship are felt in the Throat Center. Through our Yoga Nidra practice, we will clear any residual energies trapped in this chakra and open more fully into the radiant, vibrating being you truly are. We will receive attunements through sound therapy, and Anodea Judith mentions that the gifts to be realized here in this energetic center are “harmony and creativity.” Its color is sky blue, and its seed sound HAM. Its core value: TRUTH. I look forward to welcoming you to this experience.

In grace,

Mary Vaughan

Through Anahata Chakra to Hridaya: the Spiritual Heart Within


There is so much to say about the energy of the heart; in fact, since there is so much juice to explore, we will be spending four Yoga Nidra classes devoted to aspects of this heart energy, Anahata Chakra (the unstruck sound). Anodea Judith lists the following terms associated with the heart in her book, Wheels of Life: love, the element air, breath, balance, relationship, affinity, unity, and healing. The glandular connection is the thymus, but this energy also affects the lungs, heart, and circulation in the arms and hands. In our Yoga Nidra exploration, we often spend rotation of body awareness in these areas and student feedback reinforces their ability to easily feel that vibration radiate out from the center of the chest, down through the arms, rotating in the palms and extending beyond the body. The heart connects us all, calls us all; it is the place from which our longing for union arises, the call home, the place of embrace. In one of our classes, we will especially explore hridaya, the spiritual heart resting beyond the physical heart space, and we will incorporate passages from the ancient Upanishads which has the power to take us deep into the spiritual heart realm for rest, healing, and transformation.

Other classes will include a journey through the four dimensions of the heart, inspired by Jack Kornfield’s dharma talk at Ram Dass’ last retreat in Maui. We will also allow the Radiance Sutras to guide us into palpable experience of the rich space of Anahata in another class. Since this chakra has so much to do with our very human relationships with others and the energy of prem, universal, unconditional love, we will also experience an I Am Yoga Nidra (developed by Yogi Amrit Desai and perfected by his daughter, Kamini Desai) journey to enhance our interactions with others. Classes are booked through Feb. 4 but there is a call list in case of cancellations, and Feb. 6 has 4 available spots at this fleeting moment in time. Join us and explore your heart space!